When life's a royal pain in the ass
And innards seethe with nasty gas
Kiss it better, make it right
Smear yer toast with vegemite
When folk around give you the shits
And work is really mega pits
Bite the bullet, see the light
Hang in there with vegemite
This black brew puts hair on yer pex
And guarantees exotic sex
It makes ya smile, it cures the blues
Goes really great with aussie booze
And if the world goes down the toilet
You'll still be smiling - no grot will spoilet
You know that in the darkest night
There's always pots of vegemite
Add it to your life - and bliss
Will come with every salty kiss
© Pam Blower, 2000
Oh gosh.. suddenly I'm sooooo hungry!
*wrinkles nose and heads to the next blog*
*Grins and gives the little poem 2 thumbs up*
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