Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mice, feet and other things.

Well it has been a busy week. So much has happened yet it seems so little now I am writing about it.
I had some good news from my blood tests, the 3rd test in a row shows my sugar levels have reduced and stayed at a normal level. Not sure why as I didnt change my diet but wont complain.
My surgery spot on the bottom of my leg still hasn't healed and is now being cleaned daily twice a day because of infection :-(.

But the highlight or low spot of the week is the mice. I should never let Cassie go shopping alone she walked in with a loud bang, all excited and yelling "Guess what I got". Then she flopped down on a chair beside me and placed a box with holes poked through it in front of me. I heard a scampering and she said MICE Mum. I got them for Esch.
Cassie set up the super duper space station mouse house with special wheels, slides and loops of all kinds. Put the mice in and we went and got Esch from pre school.
She walked in seen the mouse house and got all excited.
Esch spent time with the mice, I spent time telling her they get out they meet my mouse traps.
When she went to bed and all was quiet the Mice decided it was noise time as all nocturnals do. The squeeking got worse over the next half hour and I told Cassie stop them or they get poison in their food.
You have probably gathered I dont like mice lol
Escher Named them Mouse1 and Mouse2
Anyway Cassie watched to see why they were gettng so noisy.
It turned out that Cassie thinking ahead bought two males. She forgot to think about the fight for dominance. It turns out mouse1 a lot older and stronger than mouse2 was trying to kill mouse2.
Mouse1 as soon as he thought he was alone would get mouse2 down and was gnawing at his throat, hence the squeeking and lots of it.
I felt sorry for mouse2 and agreed to let it sleep in my bedroom for the night on the condition mouse1 was gone from the house the next day. So we have mouse2 with a huge cage and happy as can be.
So now we have 1 dog named Max, 1 budgie named Birdy-yumyum, 1 male rabbit named Snowball, 4 remaining goldfish all named fishy, One mouse named Mouse2 and on order 2 Guinea Pigs for Christmas. Plus the 30 or so pond fish that are swimming in my pond out the back and a couple of frogs that live in the bird bath out front.


LadyStyx said...

good Heavens! A bit of a zoo there...

AliceKay said...

Sure sounds like a fun house to me. LOL

Intense Guy said...

Maybe you should rename the fishes, Fishy 1, Fishy 2, Fishy 3, and Fishy 4, and the dog to Dog 2, and the guniea pigs perhaps start at like, 123 so it sounds like you have a gazzilion of 'em all ready.

sexy41 said...

I was going to say before I got to the bottom, make sure they were not one male and one female or you would of had a bunch of mice running around soon. I didn't know two males would fight. Wow Aus, you have a lot of animals. Another cage to be cleaned now to. LOL...