Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas is comming soooo fast!!!

Christmas countdown has started and as Esch tells me it is only 50 sleeps until Santa has been and can I get the decorations out please Grandma. Well still too early for decorations I have only just gotten through Samhain (halloween). We had a great night except for the party next door which was fuelled with a lot of booze and they ended up fighting at the front of the house which woke Esch up and made for a sleepless night all round. The young couple still havent shown their face to me when I have been outside. Anyway I am diverting here back to Christmas.
I am proud ot say all of my Christmas shopping for the kids was done a few months ago and I only have one gift left to buy for my father, who knows what that will be I cant decide and a gift voucher is looking good.
Cassie and I have been trying to decide what to do for Christmas day this year. We arent going to any friends places and we dont have any coming here. Mum and Dad are spending it travelling and Greg and Geoff wont be about so it wil ljust be Cassie, Kirsten Escher and myself.
We cant decide if we will stay home, go to the beach or just head out bush and spend it in a nice shady spot beside whats left of the River.
I found the poem below and it just describes an Aussie Chrissie perfectly.

Fair dinkum sport, I kid ya not
Chrissie in Oz is bloody hot
Stone each and every squawking crow
This time of year we got no snow

Beach umbrellas and suntan lotion
Every bloke'n his dog in the Pacific Ocean
Big bronzed lifeguards - the birds all rave
And sunburnt Santa ridin the wave

It's gardenia time - and carols in the park
"Don't go out too far kids, yer'll be took by a shark"
Bush cicadas make a deafening racket
And every tranny's blarin cricket

Chrissie dinner's a picnic on the beach
Where the pav tastes of sand as well as of peach
Or a barbie where blowies add to yer fun
And some clueless loser's left the beer in the sun

And after the food and the heat and the booze
There's nothing to beat an afternoon snooze
And ya dream of a kid born out there back of Bourke
And put in a feed-box, drovers goin beserk

And the pub's got no beer and the angel, true blue,
Is playin Noel on a didgeridoo
And ya wake and pause fer a moment in wonder!
Happy Christmas, Folks! - from the Land Down Under.

© Pam Blower, 2000


LadyStyx said...

*grabs her Aussy-American dictionary and attempts to translate*

Yes. Christmas is coming very quickly. I still have shopping to do. If my SIL would hurry and give me an answer, I'd have all the kids done in one fell swoop. Then all I'd have is gift cards and some stuff to buy for hubby.

Deanna said...

A picnic on the beach... amazing
Christmas is definitely fast approaching and unlike you I don't have a single present bought. It will all come together - somehow - it always does...

Intense Guy said...

I've only started on the Christmas "pressies" - I'm sure if it were 105 F here, like it is there, I'd never get going with it -

Toriz said...

Yeah... It's coming up fast now.

Sounds like my Mam would love Christmas down under. LOL!