Friday, November 7, 2008


Hi so much is happening around here I guess christmas is looming.
Congratulations America on your new president now we need a new Prime Minister (preferably a female) and things will be good.

I have just had several small wwhat I thought was warts removed from the bottom of my legs at the ank;e. As i watched the Dr cutting them off one by one I was amazed at the depth they had grown and at one in particular when that had been really irritating me.
It had itched so much that I had scratched it hard and made it bleed. When my Dr removed it it looked the same underneath as it did on top except it had long tentacles like bits coming from it. The others were soft and roundish underneath.
As all dr's do he made the oh ah sounds and I said ok whats wrong and was told nothing look away please Amanda.
He was assisted by my regular blood sucker and she has seen me through some very bad attempts at obtaining blood over the past 5 years or so. ( I have vomited on her, feinted on her you name it I have done it to the poor woman) She spent the most part of the procedure trying to distract me and cover up what he was doing for fear I would pass out on her and fall off the table.

Anyway the end result is it looks like they are not warts but small melanoma's. Especially the large itchy one that was removed.
I had never considered that the sun would cause damage to the feet. So be careful of any spots or changes there. At the moment the ankle area of my leg looks like a patchwork quilt with stitches here there and everywhere and is quite tender. It didnt help that I had it resting on a chair as Cassie was putting the groceries away and she dropped 3 bags which fell one after the other on my foot followed by a 2 litre bottle of coke. I ended up in tears she ended up in tears.

I have a few more assignments to go and I will be finished my celebrant course. I will be glad when it is finished however I am enjoying the online study.
I do miss everyone inchat though.


LadyStyx said...

awww *HUGZ* hope ya feet feel better soon. No fun getting work done anywhere on the body, but it always seems worse when it's on your feet or hands because they are used for so much.

Intense Guy said...

*Hug ya tight*

Someday there has to be an end to all the cutting and slicing and operations... there won't be any of you left.


Deanna said...

Dang. Hugsss. Is there anything more to do for the melanoma other than cutting them out? Who woulda thought groceries could be so dangerous....

Toriz said...

Hope your feet heal up soon. *hugs*