Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dog Theif

As I have had the Dr call in during the night the last few nights I have kept my purse on my bed. I should have placed it on my dresser but with the headaches and other pain it was much easier resting on the bed beside me.
The Dr's house calls are basically free, they are covered by medicare but they need to sight the medicare card each visit.

Anyway I was getting ready to head in and see my regular GP this afternoon and sitting on the bed with me my little dog Max.
I heard him busy himself and assumed it was with one of his toys.
I finished applying the lipstick and reached around to grab my purse to feel it slightly wet (yuck) and as I did Max jumped off of my bed with something in his mouth.

I alerted Cassie who headed him off at the back door. When he stopped snarling at her she was able to retrieve the $5 note from his mouth he had stolen from my purse.

Now to get him through the doors at the local bank!!!


LadyStyx said...

Our Chi's the same way. If she decides something's hers then dammit it's hers.

Intense Guy said...

LOL - now the world will never know what Little Max was heading out to buy with a 5 pound note - was it a kibble treat? a present for you? or perhaps a gift for some lady friend dog? a new collar?

Speak Little Max! What is that you want?

Toriz said...

Maybe he'd seen a toy or treat in a local shop that he wanted, and thought you might not have been willing to give him an advance on his pocket money? ;)

sexy41 said...

Lmao Aus, so funny. Yeah like the others said he wanted to go buy a treat or a new toy. Hope everything goes well with you.


Deanna said...

LMAO Aus. You might be onto something there... who would suspect a dog strolling into the bank to steal money.

You gave me my laugh for the day!