Friday, September 26, 2008

Josef Fritzl

Not only does this monster still breath but in a recent WOmans magazine I read that heis writing his life story and expected to make billions of dollars from it.
Apparently there is nothing the law can do to prevent him becoming wealthy from the profits of the sale of his book.
It irks me that a monster like this even though he will never see the outside of a prison again (one would hope never) can make millions from their crime.

It seems like we punish with one hand and let them reap the rewards wtih another.
Wouldnt it be nice that once his book is published the law could order all profits from the sale go to his daughter and her children.


LadyStyx said...

That's one sick bastard. You're right, he should NOT be allowed to profit from his disgusting crimes. The money should definitely get awarded to his victims.

Deanna said...

That is just SO wrong! I agree with everything you said.