Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We are busy here preparing for Samhain or Halloween as most will call it.
My house is now covered in black, gold and orange. It has been quite a few years since I have had the urge or the need to concentrate on Samhain but this year has left me with many vacancies in my life. A lot of people I know have passed on in fact 22 all together, the veil between worlds on samhain is thinnest so this is when we communicate with those that have left us for a better place.
I spent most of this afternoon dusting off the candles and touching up the paint work on my odds and ends. I even had a look at my altar which I admit I havent been to since my accident and it was covered in dust.
Cassie, Esch and I had a wonderful time going through every thing salting and removing the dust but leaving a few decorative cobwebs about. Cant have samhain without a few cobwebs lol.
Esch felt particularly special being allowed to finally touch some of grandma's special pieces. I watched, with a smile on my face, as she carefully picked them up and placed them in the salting pot for me to cleanse.
But what made me feel proud was when Cassie asked me to teach Esch what I was taught many years ago. This was quite a special request as Cassie hasnt learnt from me as I always have let my childen choose their own path, given them access to beliefs of all kinds and letting them choose what path they themselves want to take. I was sad to decline but I feel Cassie needs to give Esch the same opportunity. My ways are not just beliefs they are a lifestyle and to live a set lifestyle takes a lot of dedication, I think a 4 year olds dedication needs to be in the dolls she plays with and the fantasy of childhood. However that said I see so much of me in Esch that I know one day when she asks me, I will teach her what I was taught.

Crystal Cloud Graphics


Intense Guy said...

It was a long year of people passing away, I remember a week where the news of someone's passing seemed to come daily. Twenty two of them in all for the year...

Add to that, your accident where we could have lost you too, and you've had a most difficult year.

I hope you can talk to those you chose to - and that the next year brings you more happiness than grief. It sounds as if Cassie and Esch will bring you much sunshine.

LadyStyx said...

22 people...that's alot of people to lose. I hope this coming year brings more happiness than gloomy days.

Deanna said...

Twenty two? I am so sorry hun. The passing is hard, but only on the living. At least that is what I believe. How does Samhain and Halloween relate? I wish I understood more. It is encouraging that Cassie seems to be open to letting Esch follow the path that is right for her. Huggsss

Ausgrl said...

Halloweeen is a night of ghosts and ghouls.. Samhain is when the portal so to speak between the dead and the living is the thinnest to make communication easy. I guess we party the same but with no trick or treating (not in aus anyway although it is starting to become popular here) home is opened to anyone who wants to drop in.. Rock salt placed around the house for protection

Deanna said...

*bops myself on the head* I just re-read your post and you explained very well that during Samhain is when the veil between world is thinnest. But your follow up explaination help. Thanks!

Toriz said...

I completely agree with your decission not to teach her just yet. She'll let you know when she's ready. :)

Samhain is one of my favourite times of the year. I seem to be pretty much the only one in the family who makes a fuss about it though. I don't intend planning anything for it this year however (apart from some blog posts I've got set up with the blog schedule thing) because it looks as though I'm not going to be in a position to do more than make sure there is something nice to be handed out to any trick-or-treaters.