Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Congratulations America

Congratulations America on your 44th President.

It is a pleasant change to see pictures of a President and First Lady who are so obviously smitten with one another instead of the cold stand aparts that have been of the past.

For a man who has just made history Obama appears confident, well spoken and in control.
Change is a hard pill to swallow but pills are made to be swallowed.

Many have said that it is none of the worlds business who the President of the United States of America is.
This in itself is not true as the United States effects the rest of the world. Your economy goes down so does ours, you go to war so do we.

So this Innauguration has been watched with great cheer here in Australia. I know of many who if they were given a choice would have loved to vote, myself included.

Again congratulations America and the Obama's.

1 comment:

Intense Guy said...

I hope for everyone's sake, President Obama isn't half as bad as his predecessor.